Jul 11Villainous WHO - Fake Climate... (WHO05)Just because it's in the paper, it doesn't mean it's true... especially if WHO writes it!
Jan 30Villainous WHO - Frozen Statues (WHO18)It's cold & WHO wants to get a statue of himself... no matter where he has to get it from!
Oct 17, 2023Villainous WHO - Key Decisions (WHO11)WHO loses his keys and makes a mountain out of a molehill!
Aug 7, 2023Villainous WHO - Polar Disaster... (WHO04)WHO isn't impressed by the North Pole... But why?!
Jul 4, 2023Villainous WHO - Solar Shmolar... (WHO03)Solar..shmolar... WHO isn't impressed by this money-making solar-scam... or is it?